Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hot Dog!

By Mike Monahan, CEO and executive director of Life Success Seminars Inc.

In the Basic seminar, we refer to a challenging situation as an HDO--hot dog opportunity. We all have many HDOs occurring in our daily lives. If you've raised a teenager, you know what the ultimate HDO looks like!

While everyone has HDOs, how you handle them is up to you. When I was younger and raising five children, I handled tough events with anger and frustration. I would try to control the outcome by using fear.

As I get older, I don't have the energy to deal with challenging situations in the old way. I learned new applications such as listening, patience and trusting to resolve HDOs. When is the last time you retooled your apps? Maybe now is the time. Hot dog!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take a Number

By Mike Monahan, CEO and executive director of Life Success Seminars Inc.

Have you ever noticed that the more influence someone has, the harder it is to get an appointment with them? If someone is really successful, you have to take a number: Now serving #24!

There is a shortcut to the person with a long line. If you have a long line to get to you, there's a good chance you can cut in on someone else's long line--a backstage pass.

So how long is the line to get to you?

We should all stop now and then to look at who we are standing in-line to see and who is waiting in-line to see us.

Are you on-track with how you want to influence and be influenced? Don't waste your time in the hot-dog line when you really want a beer. Show up with intention!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Talking or Doing

By Mike Monahan, CEO and executive director of Life Success Seminars Inc.

Have you ever stopped and looked at who in your life has had the biggest influence on you? Did those people tell you what to do or did they show you what to do? The people who have the most impact in my life are those who lead by example.

When my children were young, I told them what to do. I thought I was in control, and I liked having control. As they got older, I noticed that they were paying less attention to me. I eventually realized that the only way I was going to influence them was by being an example. I actually had to do something different.

Talk is cheap. You have to show people who you are in order for them to follow you for a lifetime.