Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Already Committed

By Mike Monahan, executive director and CEO of Life Success Seminars Inc.

During Life Success's monthly Basic seminar, we discuss commitment and how important commitment is to the results we have in our lives. People often say, "I really need to get committed."

What most people fail to realize is they are already committed. They're committed to a set of actions that drive their current results. All of us are successful because we are committed.

If you want a different success--if you want a different result--you must commit to something different.

What are you committed to in the most important areas of your life?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Putting a Little Heart Into It

By Tony Miltenberger, director of leadership and outreach for Life Success Seminars

Do you have a movie that no matter when it’s on TV, you have to watch it? You know, one of those films that’s quicksand for the brain: The more I struggle, the more I want to watch. I stop whatever I’m doing and get lost in the moment.

I’m ashamed to admit it, but the film “The Replacements” is one of those movies for me. Keanu Reeves stars in the film about replacement football players. The acting isn’t that good, and the movie is full of glaring mistakes. But I love it!

One of my favorite scenes is when the coach (Gene Hackman) is leaving the field and is asked what his team needs to get back in the game. He replies, “Heart. Miles and miles of heart.”

Even with the movie’s shortfalls, I believe that no truer statement has ever been said about life. Each morning, I get to wake up and decide how I want to get back into the game.

Heart is the one tool that can move mountains, inspire change--and help replacement football players claim victory! The interesting part about this weapon is that we all have the capacity to wield its power for the greater good.

Every human being comes equipped with a heart. (Although I know some of you are in denial!) The trick is to use that power to change our world.

I leave this week’s blog asking two questions: What are you putting your heart into? And, more importantly, what are you leaving your heart out of?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grateful Dead

by Mike Monahan, executive director and CEO of Life Success Seminars

If you remember the band Grateful Dead, you are old! That being said, if you remember, it means that you're still alive. But are you Gratefully Alive?

"There's no sense taking life too seriously," is something we like to say at Life Success. "You're not going to get out of it alive, anyway." So how do we find a way to move through life and have fun?

Life is fun when we like what we're doing. And when we're doing what we like, we tend to be grateful for all we have.

All of us are going to die eventually; that's just the way it is. So if you spend the rest of your life doing what you love and being grateful, one day you'll get to join the Grateful Dead.

Why not take 10 minutes each day and write down everything you still have? Be grateful.

And consider this: Maybe you lost a few things to make more room for what's coming!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Leadership: Are You Prepared?

Leadership isn't about making the "right" decisions, says Mike Monahan, CEO and executive director of Life Success Seminars. Leadership is about making decisions and moving forward. For more insights on leadership, watch Mike's keynote address on this topic at the 2010 Small Business Excellence Awards, sponsored by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A New Norm

By Mike Monahan, executive director and CEO of Life Success Seminars

Life is funny. Just as we think we know how the game works, the rules change.

For example, if you don't save for the future, you leave your future to chance. But the new rule is that if you saved with the wrong investor, you're now in the same boat with the nonsavers!

It's understandable that so many people are upset with today's circumstances. So how do you adjust your gratitude when the norm changes? When we focus on our losses, it's tough to be grateful.

Why not take 10 minutes each day and write down everything you still have? Be grateful.

And consider this: Maybe you lost a few things to make more room for what's coming!