Monday, April 19, 2010

It Worked So Well...

By Mike Monahan, executive director and CEO of Life Success Seminars, Inc.

How many times have you found a way to stop doing what works? In other words, "It worked so well, I quit doing it."

For example, we all know the value of a good vacation and yet we think we don't have enough time. How important is it to our relationships to go on date night and yet we don't have time?

It seems the very things that are good for us are the things we don't have time for in life! Sleep, exercise, fun, relaxing... What is it in your life that works so well you don't have time for it anymore?

And it's usually the simple things. So what could you change today?

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    I'm a little behind on the blog, so just reading this post now, but wanted to thank you! This concept was one of my best takeaways from Basic and one I've reiterated countless times with clients and friends. It's so true!

    Thank you!
